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Somatic Basics - Everybody Knows…

Below I've written out the three most common self-care exercises we use here. I've also included some easy breathing rhythm work for you to use to guide your activity. The point of this page is to give you a starting point no matter what your age, condition or health standards are. We can all use the benefit of more vitality…These exercises can be done first thing or right before bed for around two weeks to get their highest benefit. After that, they're like neural hygiene for you.

The Standing Fish - Find a wall to support you. Stand with your hands behind your back, palms facing away from your body. Roll onto the outside edge of your feet and allow your head to naturally find the wall without tipping your chin. Then simply move your eyes up toward the ceiling. Now take 60 natural, smooth breaths. This work allows the neck flexors to release and re-centering your stance. This is a great one to use when you've been driving or at the PC a lot…  
Bob Marley Warm Up - Place one hand on your chest, like it's the pledge of allegiance. Now, lift your chest without rolling the shoulders back so your weight is shifted noticeably onto your heels. Once there, look up, and breath rapidly for a good 20 seconds or until the air feels noticeably cooler to you. Then take a deep breath and drop your hand from your chest and allow the air to empty from your lungs on its own. Notice how your posture has shifted after that.
Windmills -- Our shoulders and arms possess four strain lines that guide our movement and use of them. The first one is a superficial line that runs from the chest wall and front of the hip and fans into the inside of the elbow and on down into the carpal tunnel and palm of the hand. You can test to see if this line is open by positioning your arms like the letter "T", palms facing the wall, while you stand in a doorway and let the body lean forward. If you feel resistance in the shoulder girdle or upper arm, take 30 slow, easy breaths. The second line runs deeper and begins in the shoulder girdle itself. If you reach straight overhead while making a fist with your thumb inside the fist and you feel a tug in the shoulder or upper arm, go back to the doorway and repeat the first stretch with your palms down and thumbs facing the wall. Finally, the back lines of the arms can be tested with the palms up and pinkies along the wall. You'll feel that in the neck and upper back. Again, hold your position for 90 seconds/30 breaths and re-test. These are essential.         
Inner Target Breathing – Inhale and focus on the top of your head, exhale and focus on your feet, inhale and focus on the left side of the body and exhale and focus on the right side of the body. Repeat this cycle for 30 smooth, clearly followed breaths.
Outer Target Breathing - Inhale and focus on the ceiling/sky/roof, exhale and focus on the floor/ground, inhale and focus on the windows/or just what's to your left and exhale and focus on the door/or just what's to your right. Repeat this cycle for 30 smooth, clearly followed breaths.
Power Breathing - Breath 10x in a 4:2:1 ratio - ex. - Inhale 20 sec, Exhale for 10, hold for 5.
Pant-A lot - Reach overhead with your hands open and pant forcefully for 20 seconds, relax.
Kidney Tuck - Sit with both feet flat on the floor. Reach under and behind both thighs and lock your fingers or just grab one thumb. Inhale, flex your neck and squeeze your knees. Now exhale, extend your neck and open the knees against the isometric resistance of the locked hands. This can be repeated for about 30 breaths or done in a rapid-fire series of 12 breaths as needed.