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The 4 Domains Self-Profiler 1 


If you’re reading this you already decided to learn something. So let’s do it!


Life satisfaction comes from knowing what

you’re made of, not from who you think you are. 


What am I?

Up until now, your answer would range from human being to an assortment of descriptors the world has labeled you. Your choices give you away! The way you choose to describe yourself reveals your ‘closed identity”, which is 80% hard-wired by the time you’re 4 years old. This core is used to build the reality only you experience. When you ask yourself or any individual this question, their true colors are slowly revealed.


Step 1

Read the following narratives three different ways...first to yourself as you seem them here. Then print them out and read them in a mirror, as if you're trying to converse with your reflection. Then, if you're up to it, read them to someone else. All of these experiences are universal; self-talk, self-recognition, and self-disclosure. What you'll discover is one of these narratives captures your life story more naturally than the others. The words will flow easier, the biological level of your belief system will buy one these narratives more readily...and you will have identified your PRIMARY DOMAIN. From there, the closed world you had can open.


Narrative #1: I'm somebody who needs people around me all the time to be at my best. I value and nurture my relationships and enjoy many long-term friendships. I can easily bond with others and feel a profound sense of loss when that's not possible. I'm a team player and thrive in group settings where I can contribute. Some would say that I'm overly sensitive, but in fact I need to make some kind of contact in order to know I'm fully interacting. My feelings are my guiding force, and I'm very aware and respectful not to offend other people. I like being considered a good neighbor, relative and citizen. More than anything, I want a long, happy life.  


Narrative #2: I'm someone who needs to be on my A-game and in control of what I'm doing. I value and nurture my ideas and enjoy many creative moments. I  can accurately advise other people and feel a profound frustration when that's not welcomed. I'm a team leader and thrive in group settings where there's a clear goal. Some would say that I'm overly assertive, but in fact I need to make some kind of impact in order to know I'm fully interacting. My thoughts are my guiding force, and I'm very aware when they are clouded or upset.   I like being considered a peak performer. More than anything, I want to leave an unforgettable legacy.           

Narrative #3: I place myself at the cutting edge and need  a variety of activities to be at my best. I value and nurture my environments and enjoy many sacred and special places I go to mentally and physically. I can easily commune with others and feel a profound sense of dread when that's not possible. I'm a team mascot and thrive in group settings where I can improvise. Some would say that I'm overly flamboyant, but in fact I need to make some kind of overt gesture in order to know I'm fully interacting. My actions are my guiding force, and I'm very aware when I've gone too far, but I usually just keep going. I like being considered a maverick, an innovator and a free spirit. More than anything, I want to experience the unknown and share it with everyone. 

Narrative #4: I consider myself a very intricate and precise person and need structure to be at my best. I value and  nurture information and enjoy customizing new technologies to suit myself. I can easily ignore others and   feel a profound sense of irritation when that's not possible. I'm a team organizer and thrive in group settings where I can analyze their productivity. Some would say that I'm overly serious, but in fact I need to make some kind of classification in order to know I'm fully interacting . Data is my guiding force, and I'm very good at methodically tracking multiple layers of detailed information.  I like being considered an expert translator, synthesizer and skilled worker. More than anything, I want the world to become more open to the facts that run our lives.

Remember, read them three ways to be sure...

1) Self-Talk - just read them to yourself as you see them on the screen

2) Self-Recognition - print them out and read them to yourself in a mirror

3) Self-Disclosure - read them to someone else


Click here for Step 1's Profiles Section


Step 2

Now that you kind of know which of the 4 Domains you carry express the best, take a look at our gallery of "SomaStars' from pop culture, history and the movies. These are just snapshots of an archetypal pattern. What you'll realize is that we're all living within all the domains, so you can probably find images of these folks in other domains. That's a good sign. This work in somatic perception gets fuzzy sometimes. The key now is to be able to use this images as a visual shorthand so when you are with others socially, you can profile them.


GALLERY #1 (coming soon)





Step 3 (optional)

If you'd like to learn more about this exciting and life defining process, click over to our feedback forum we call Clarity Corner and register to contribute to our on-line community...


Just wanna get the gist for now? We understand.  

The 4 Domains Cliff Notes