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Summer Stock Seasonal Transition Survey

This inquiry is meant to provide you with resources to help you make a better transition out of spring into summer.  In the weeks leading up to the Solstice, you will have an opportunity to:

#1 determine if the spring overworked, weakened or removed your tonality.
#2 get a handle on what you can do to improve your standing in the summer                     
#3 experiment with specific food clusters, exercises, and other adaptations
     designed to provide you feedback on your internal state of vitality.


Answer these Y/ yes or N/no questions about your Spring experience up to now.

[All maybe's are rounded up to yes!] 


You'll get an e-mail to the link with all the recommendations to make your Summer a somatic success... 

* Required fields

Based on your answers to these questions you will be directed to particular avenues to pursue changing your diet, behavior or both in the last weeks of spring.  Below are the four basic patterns of adaptation that deplete our reserve supply of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.  Making changes now will give you a smoother transition into the summer.  

Skin/Eye Sensitivity to Wind, Heat and Chemicals

     The immune system works primarily through memory.  Repeated exposure to the sun, wind and harsh chemicals, like chlorine, throughout the summer lead to the system to breaking down it's reserves.  If you add insect bites and/or bug repellent to the mix, the membranes of the skin and eyes can become dry, irritated, and photosensitive.  The paradox is that we need the benefit of sunlight to activate the vitamin D pathway, which is essential in growth and repair of our teeth and bones.    

Taut and Tender Muscles and Fascia and Postural Deviations

     The summer is a time for increased exercise.  However, unless the system is prepared, exercise may lead to mixed results at best and disasters at worst.  Certain muscles absorb this biochemical stress, which result in altered postures.  Our blood sugar patterns can be reflected in our mood swings, endurance and the body's overall shape.  Metabolic imbalances lead to poor lymphatic and circulatory patterns, which stress the heart and small intestine.  Production of cholesterol in the liver is guided by the relationship between glucagon and insulin.  Age, diet, body typing and other risk factors deplete the system of functional forms of iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and an array of the B complex vitamins.  Decreased resistence to viruses, like herpes, manifests.          

Insulin Resistence and Hypertension

         As we wear the reserves down, the body develops another problem.  The body begins to produce a hormone precursor called throboxane A2, which is a powerful vaso-constrictor.  With the additional backlog of undigested protein and fats clogging the artery walls, the blood pressure elevates.  It now takes even more insulin to lower the blood sugar because the system is primarily anaerobic. High risk patterns like these need to be addressed prior to exposing the system to the extreme conditions of the summer.